TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA We provide our customers with products, systems and services to fulfill their requirements, as identified through direct communication with them, contributing this way to their success and satisfaction.
Phone:7702465343 Fax number:7704491152
4401-A Bankers Circle GA 30360 Atlanta
United States
We are a learning organization, constantly improving our skills and knowledge, and making use of leading edge Information Technology and Management Improvement methods to the benefit of our customers.
We pursue high quality, both of our products and of everyone's work, and high speed through innovative processes.
We constantly seek out the world's best practices, and apply them with an international perspective. We consistently associate with best of class partners. We view every challenge as an opportunity, and practice open communication in all we do, both as a company and in the social framework we are part of. We pay serious attention to our environment and always fulfil our ethical responsibilities in the course of our operations.
With TOSHIBA TEC our customers have found a winning team. If you haven't done so already, convince yourselves and join them.